Founder and Lead Product Designer, 2016–2018.


Project Overview

The Problem

The Problem In early 2014, the idea of the product came from my own experience purchasing and listening to audiobooks as a member at Audible. While I was a member at the world’s largest audiobook store since 2013, searching for authentic Islamic audiobooks in Audible’s catalog was a major pain.

I had a hypothesis. I believe there are more busy practicing working tech savvy Muslims out there than just myself having the same problem in searching for quality, authentic Islamic audiobook in Audible and beyond.

#1 In the world’s largest audiobook store Amazon-owned, Islamic audiobook titles are diluted by other titles critical of Islam.

#2 The world leaders in Islamic publishing has 2 main challenges; technology implementation and production expertise.

#3 In addition to the previous problem, independent Islamic publishers and authors have no audiobook distribution channel except by to go directly to consumers.

The Solution

IslamAudio is an app that makes listening to authentic Islamic books fast and easy for busy practicing working tech-savvy Muslims. It removes the pain of finding time to read by listening to a narrated version of authentic Islamic books by trusted scholars, authors, and publishers through a beautifully designed and functional audiobook player interface. My role was to research, design and test all human interactions related to the project. I collaborated with producers, narrators, audio engineers, UI designer, graphic designers, iOS engineer, and back-end engineer to launch this project.

My Roles

Custom-Problem Interview, Problem-Solution Interviews, User Story Mapping, Competitive Research, Persona Creation, Sketch, Wireframes, Mockups, Prototype.


iOS — iPhone


Vision — Lean Stack. Agile Product Management — StoriesOnBoard, Trello. Personas — Personapp. Customer Development — Google Docs, Sheets, Forms. Wireframes — Sharpie, Paper, Balsamiq. Mockups — Sketch. Prototype — InVision.

Team Members

Product Manager — Riz Ainuddin (👋). Product Designer — Riz Ainuddin (👋). UX Designer — Riz Ainuddin (👋), UI Designer — Riz Ainuddin (👋), Doaa Fadally. Graphic Designer — Itzhar Shahnaz, Shawaludin Che Mat. Technical Lead — Dalia Abd El-Hadi. iOS Engineer — Dalia Abd El-Hadi. Back-end Engineer — Amira Nasrullah. Producer — Whalan Kazombiaze
